You say Nothingburger. I say Con Job.

99.9% of the time, when you hear the phrase “Russian disinformation”, you are being actively disinformed, and not by Russians.

The same is true of other common phrases like “election meddling” (projection much, USA?) and, as noted recently, “autocracy” and the like.

Back before the last Presidential in 2020, Hunter Biden dumped his laptop off at a repair shop. The laptop was full of evidence that incriminated its owner, not only of being a crack-smoking sleazeball, but a deeply corrupt one as well. Depending on who you listen to, and how you interpret phrases like “the Big Guy”, it also seems to incriminate his father as a partner in that corruption.

Then he forgot all about the laptop and abandoned it. (Hunter is now frivolously suing the shop owner, which does and will do nothing except prove absolutely that the laptop is his.)

The New York Post got hold of some of the evidence and published it right before the election.

Immediately, that story was mercilessly suppressed. The paper had its social media accounts suspended so that they couldn’t promote the scoop. The story was mercilessly ferreted out wherever hints of it appeared and further suppression and suspensions ensued. Dare to re-tweet the Post, will you? Down comes the banhammer, no matter who you are, via exactly the same mechanisms brought to light by Matt Taibbi’s version of the Twitter Files.

Why yes, it does sound a lot like my previous post on The Game, doesn’t it?

But wait. Now there’s more.

(image sourced from coverage by The Duran)

This is October, before the election in November, which means … that this acting CIA Director was a Trump appointee and supposedly working for him at the time.

And yet …

The Biden campaign felt free to ask him to concoct this (widely reported) bullshit letter …

And even more astonishingly: he did it!

Is it any wonder, that Democrats trust these three-letter agencies at twice the rate now that R’s do, in a stunning historical reversal of the numbers?

Of course they trust them, because as this latest twist makes crystal clear, those agencies are full of neo-libs, and not neo-cons, and whether it’s in Sudan or Yemen or Russia or China or Ukraine or anywhere else fine regime-change products are sold, you can be sure that the agenda being pursued by our upstanding secret warriors is the one that people like Biden and Blinken and Nuland want pursued, regardless of who the people say they want their President to be, or who wins the office.

Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex.

He could never have foreseen that the military and its pet oligarchic defense contractors would end up so successfully taking over that Secretaries of State, Directors of TLAs, all the Senators, most all of the representatives of the House, the entire legacy media apparatus from NBC to NPR, and the new media companies like Twitter and Facebook would all become cultishly enthusiastic, card-carrying members of that Empire Complex.

But that is the unseen water that we little fish now swim in every day.

They’re lying to you. On purpose. They are accusing their nominal Enemies of being the disinforming liars and empire-builders when it should be so transparently obvious that their accusations apply more to themselves than to any imagined threat.

They lie routinely and habitually and they do it because, with far too many good smart successful americans, it works every single fucking time.

If you’re awake to this shit, great.

If you’re not …

Please stop being such a god damn rube.

Please stop trying to tell me how happy I should be about Fox Corporation handing over a billion bucks to Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, or how wound up I’m supposed to be about who uses which bathroom.

None of that crap matters my darlings. They keep you doped with religion, sex, and TV. They’re in your brain and in your dreams and it has been doing damage to your soul every single night since the day you were born.

Unjoin Team Blue. Don’t join Team Red.

Anarchy now.