Two Cent Mainstream

As per yesterday: Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

Today: Bombshell! Two 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA Recruits!
Max goes on Jimmy Dore to discuss, and add evidence (much of it circumstantial so far) to the claims.

In case you don’t want to read or watch the bad conspiracy theorists, CBS grandly gave it four minutes because grieving survivors turned pissed-off whistleblowers are good for ratings.

The Biden Administration is supposed to release all of the dirty laundry by a deadline Saturday.

But he was supposed to have declassified all the JFK stuff by now too.

We’ll see.


Brazil’s President Lula: Let’s All Abandon The Dollar and End The Hegemony That Oppresses and Threatens Us All

His words will make perfect economic sense to the 96% of the world that isn’t American. It’s happening. Now


In the meantime, and speaking of threats, we just literally invaded China. The murican boots are on the ground, just as they are, we learned the other day, in Ukraine. (Shocking.)

A couple hundred ‘advisors’ is exactly how Vietnam started. But Vietnam didn’t have three times the population of the US, or an economy that will soon be the largest by any measure … or nukes.

Imagine for a moment that China spent a decade pumping millions into some little Hawaiian independence movement, or even the Puerto Rican one, and then landed troops there one day. The US population would be shitting its pants and screaming for blood.

But you don’t understand. The reverse is okay because, um … I dunno …

China … bad?

We are not the good guys, darlings.

The karmic chickens are coming home to roost and it’s gonna cost US all and it doesn’t matter if you vote for the red monster or the blue monster because they’ve all been globalist empire monsters (even Jimmy Carter just a little)
since the day 60 years ago when the shots rang out in Dallas if not before.