Dissent, Criminalized


The green is me. Almost. You have to understand what a DVE is. I am domestic. I might be an extremist. I am not V for Violent, though. So far, that loophole has been enough to spare me, but as of today, that might have just changed.

The five activists of the Uhuru Black Socialist Movement–indicted today–were not violent either.

But the spooks allege that over a period of a decade, they took 15K in support from some other guys who turned out to be Russians, and thereby “weaponized” free speech, and supposedly turned themselves into “foreign agents” charged, literally, with “sowing dissent”.

So I guess the moral of the story is: If you happen to be Russian, or Chinese, please don’t sign up to support me at Patreon–don’t even buy me a Ko-fi.

(Everybody else: please do.)


Partly because the radicals in this breaking story from today are black, GG also had on Nick Cruse (aka SocialistMMA) from the Revolutionary Blackout Network.

Mr. Cruse made a lot of good solid points. But my favorite part was when he started updating the Devil’s Dictionary, thus:

In America, it’s Law and Order. In every other country the Empire doesn’t like, it’s “authoritarianism”.
(Or as Biden loves to say, “autocracy”.)

America has successful entrepreneurs, and ‘venture capitalists’. In all the bad countries, they’re Oligarchs.

In the bad countries, they have Secret Police. In America we call them undercover cops.

The secret police in bad countries “crush dissent” with “chemical weapons”. Here it’s just riot control with tear gas (and worse), along with infiltration and other covert ops.

They have forced interment in “gulags”. We have private prisons, and prisoners working for pennies. (Not to mention mental patients being eaten alive by bugs even in non-private ones.)

Thanks Nick.

Caitlin Johnstone has a concurring opinion.

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