
“If you believe that the key is you have to be number one, then you look at any other success story as a threat.”

Jeffrey Sachs, The End of Unipolarity

And if you believe in an open, cooperative world, you will celebrate the success of ‘others’.

The directly quoted phrase very accurately describes the mental sickness of the capitalist Empire. Whether or not the emergent Russo-Chinese alliance (or BRICS, or whoever) alternatively and truly believes in an open and cooperative world … I’m less certain. But … maybe.

In other words, it’s quite possible that there are no good guys, but either way it’s utterly clear that ‘we’ are not on the list of potentials. We’re paranoid and brain-damaged and still yapping about “full spectrum dominance” like a real tyrant.

Or I’m just projecting. You can decide it that way. But then you would have to decide what to do with Sachs, who knows a hundred times more than I ever will.


By the way. I watched this on Rumble, the YouTube alternative which is still (in spite of people like Russell Brand and Glenn Greenwald migrating there) a pretty ‘right-wing’ place. As of yet on Rumble, there’s no way to prevent the ‘next’ video from autoplaying. So I hear snippets of buffoons sometimes.

Right after the Sachs interview, there was some dipshit ranting about the Border, and how it sucks that we are spending soooo much money educating ‘illegal alien children’. I don’t care enough to go dig out what pitifully small number of waning dollars that is, but …

I found it instructive, that the paranoid money-grasping attitude and xenophobia was exactly the same as what Sachs describes among his elite east-coast friends and associates, most of them pillars of the ‘left’/Dem establishment, on a more globally focused scale.

The Consensus in this country is sociopathic, and that is as true among fools pandering to the flyover like this Wall guy as it is among the coolest hippest woke young policy wonks sipping mojitos in a Georgetown bar.

I’m asking you nicely.
