Random Acts of Coverage

I made a mass batch of curry and I found a fairly insane version of ramen which may become a very short video.

Most of these are the “Best Of” from a big batch of JD clips. They dropped while he was out on tour, meaning that they are hosted not by the man himself, but by guest-host ‘Buzzsaw’ Mate’.

Liberals Working Overtime To Undermine Anti-War Rally
(as in, the AntiWar rally that happens tomorrow, as posted about yesterday)

Ex-Intel Officials Backpedal Over Hunter Laptop Story
Poorly titled. What they did was lie, and then when hauled before a House committee, they doubled down with different lies. No real backpedal involved.

U.S. Media Refuses To Cover Bombshell Nord Stream Story!
It is eerie and very nearly surreal just how they have, so far, almost universally declined to recognize the existence of Hersh or his latest bombshell story, even though (or maybe because) it very well may bring down Biden’s 2024 campaign, if not his presidency before we get there.

Ohio Train Disaster Story Gets EVEN WORSE
I mentioned something the other day about capitalists gassing poor people in Pennsylvania/Ohio for profit. I didn’t explain that. Let this amend my omission.

Real Reason Behind Chinese Balloon Story Revealed
The funniest part is that the MSM continues to call them “Chinese Spy Balloons” right smack dab in the middle of reporting stories about the Administrators’ belated admission that yeah, they were spying on the weather …
Speaking of corrections, it was F-22’s that took down the first one, not F-16s as previously reported here. Also, we now know that the missiles used to take down all these scary UFOs, not all of which actually worked in the field, cost about a half million dollars apiece. Christ in a bucket.


Is The System Collapsing? With Guest Tim Pool – #083 – Stay Free With Russell Brand
Tim Pool got his start at Occupy Wall Street, made a whole bunch of YouTube money turning Trumper, and is now back toward the center enough to be invited on RB’s show for a wary conversation. I wouldn’t call him a moderate in any sense at all, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear him say a lot of sane things in a thoughtful way, even if I have zero intention of bookmarking him.


If you take a moment to really be honest with yourself, there is no way in hell that you actually believe that Russia blew up its own multi-billion-dollar pipeline. At best, you might tell yourself that we still don’t know who did it.

In a similar vein, you cannot possibly and genuinely believe that Jeffrey Epstein, bosom pal of people like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates, hanged himself in prison, or that both of his guards slept through the whole thing, or that the cameras in his cell were off at just the right time due to some malfunction.

So who killed him, and why?

The problem with trusting your honest self regarding matters like this is that questions like that lead to more questions, and if and when you finally get down to the answers, then nothing else you honestly need to believe about America or Democracy or melting pots or Lands of Opportunity full of essentially Good People can any longer be true.

You’ll end up like me, and nobody wants that.

Whitney Webb has stared obsessively at these sorts of questions for years, and she is very, very bright behind her hippie earth-mother personal style.

You owe it to your most honest self to watch one of her extended digressions sometime. For as long as you can stand it. And then go treat yourself truly right and lavishly, for an equal amount of time, for being willing to do a good thing even though it hurts like hell.

If that’s too much to handle right now, please just check out the small piece of the interview starting at about 48:30 … Ms. Webb knows where we’ve been and where we are, and she has some ideas about where things are headed very quickly, as the Unipolar Hegemon we call our dear Empire starts to lose its grip on legitimacy.

What can you do, as you consider making serious changes to your own life in response to the end of all our comforting fictions?

At some point, if you want eggs for breakfast, you’re going to need to have chickens, or at the least be very close to someone who does.

And that is all I have to say about that. For now.