Tale of Two Reps

AOC smears The Post as she falsely claims Hunter Biden laptop story is ‘half-fake’

This Congresswoman is peddling bullshit that everyone knows is bullshit.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Explodes At Ex-Twitter Exec For Shadow-Banning Her

This Congresswoman is exploding with valid and righteous indignation over mass censorship at Twitter, over the exact same story and many others, true or not.

Listen up, Democrats.

I started out my voting life believing you were the good guys. I even voted for that rancid snake Bill Clinton once upon a time.

You’ve been losing me for a long time and you’re just digging the hole deeper with exactly this kind of crap.

I have nothing but disgust toward AOC’s performance here, and pretty much nothing but admiration for Boebert’s.

I’m not going to vote for Republicans. But there’s absolutely nothing to gain from voting for Democrats now either.

It’s not even a question of lesser-evilism any more, and there’s your proof.

(In related news, as the pile of your money and mine that’s been dumped into the lie of Ukrainian democracy grows fast past One. Hundred. Billion. Dollars …

The only people even talking out loud about shutting off the taps are Republicans, most notably Lauren Boebert’s fellow trumper-dope Matt Gaetz.

It would be so easy to be better than them.

Why aren’t you doing it?)

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