A Conversation With Lennon

You say you want a revolution

Yes. I’m for it. Generally speaking.

Well, you know. We’d all love to change the world.

That sounds … vaguely cynical, or … dismissive or something. What’s your point?

But when you talk about destruction …

I didn’t.

Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright?

I don’t. I see no evidence of that at all.

You say you got a real solution.

You must mean all my rants about green anarchy. Which would be a solution, but not a qualifying real one because … barbed wire. Zoning commissions. Private property which is said to be “owned”, and like that.

Well, you know. We’d all love to see the plan.


Oh, shooby-doo-wah, oh, shooby-doo-wah

You ask me for a contribution.

No, I put up a Patreon page. You can contribute, but you can ignore it too. Most people do. Most people won’t even have the common courtesy to even read this.

Well, you know. We’re all doing what we can.

That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said so far. I can relate. Progress.

But if you want money for people with minds that hate …

I want money for a tiny house in Helouta. It’s kind of the opposite of hate, inside my head at least.

You say you’ll change the constitution.

I don’t; I won’t. I will however continue to rail against the pricks who want to water it down even worse than it has been already under Bush, under Obama. The fourth amendment is gone, baby. They replaced it with a “Patriot Act”. Now the censors want to kill the First. They actually cheered when they threw that dumb orange man off Twitter. There’s your “minds that hate”, right there. A lot has happened since that fool shot you.

You tell me it’s the institution.

The System, yeah. The Empire.

Well, you know. You better free your mind instead.

How come it has to be either/or, John? You should try some Russell Brand. He’s into both and that’s sensible.

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao …

I carry pictures of cats and that’s about it. I got no love to spare for Chairmen. Chairpersons. Whatever.

Don’t you know it’s gonna be

Let’s take a break, bro.


Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too

Fuckin’ exactly. Like I said: Anarchy Now.

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

I can imagine. What you’re describing is anti-capitalism. Anyone who wants to agree with you for real is going to have to put in a little work demolishing capitalism, at the level of institutions and at the level of their personal lives.

Which basically means that neither you nor me nor they is going to go very far beyond “Imagining”. Let’s be honest.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us

Thanks for the permission … You are, were, a dreamer, not, as we say these days, that there’s anything wrong with that. And I am not a joiner. But I have some musings.

The reason you are so insistent that things are gonna be alright alright alright is that for you, toward the end, they were.

I’m happy for you, and a little envious … though I know it cost you a lot, too.

You turned your wife into your Goddess and joined her FemDom Cult of Yoko. You withdrew from the world of fighting for things and just Imagined full-time, under her spell. Sounds like it must have been quite luscious.

Down far below the overheated penthouse, out on the chilly street, that was never an option mere mortals could afford. They … didn’t have the possessions, so to speak, the assets, to make it possible in the first place, much less to hand them over to your queen.

You are allowed to call me a dreamer too if you want. Even if my most of my nights, hell, days too, are a tale of dreams interrupted.

I wake up cranky and go straight for a steaming cup of the best legal drugs.

I plunge the french press and I say I want … a revolution.

Sometimes what I say is even true. Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

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