The Polar Opposite of Tom Cruise

No fame, career, money, physical beauty,
power; nor that hate-madness neither.

I do have, through no effort of my own, a small loose band of people who love me, at arms length yes, and yet even so about as unconditionally as it gets in real life.

I have earned: an old truck, a tiny pile of dime store equity, and come September, the most crude and basic of government pensions.

Thus it is a simple matter for me to take stock, whereas Tom couldn’t do it even were he inclined to try.


Twenty-seven degrees. Five a.m.


Jimmy Dore on McCarthy’s Speakership Bid … | System Update (Greenwald) #14

You can say any bloody nasty thing you want about the Republicans and be right.

But it’s quite hard to see how the Dems are the lesser evil, and easy to feel the ways in which they are in fact even worse.

In the big wide open world there are a million ways to slice up “Us” and “Them”. One of the reasons that cults continue to be appealing is that they provide a simple and global way of defining those categories. There are good Believers. There are wicked non-believers.

There are, for example, you and me and Old Joe and Bill Clinton and AOC and MSNBC and Ana Kasparian in the first camp. On the other side of the wall, red-staters, white supremacists and other assorted racists, MAGA trolls, Q-anon, Mitch McConnell, the guy in face paint and buffalo horns sitting in Nancy’s chair a couple of january-sixths ago, Putin, and Satan himself.

Nevertheless. For reasons of my own, I have decided to disassociate myself from the Cult of the Good People.

Not because I have any intention of joining the ‘other’ side, as defined from inside the CotGP.

I can be and will be an apostate from Us.
I can be and will be apostate from Them.

Left and right are virtually meaningless now. The corporations and the state are wedded in holy matrimony and the ring is fascist gold.
Lead, and follow, are both unacceptable choices if the mission itself is a death cult.

Get the Helouta is The Way.

I was standing down in Jerusalem town one day. Dawn was breaking.

Let me tellya, let me testify, every son of god gets a little hard luck sometimes.

One thought on “The Polar Opposite of Tom Cruise

  1. The reason JD is particularly relevant in this one news cycle is …

    When he tried to get the ‘Squad’ to get concessions (just a single vote on the floor over M4A to get politicians on the record) in exchange for their votes to elect Pelosi as speaker again, that was called #ForceTheVote.

    The mainstream Dems, including the so-called squaddies, including the shitlib media like TYT, either ignored him or reviled him for not being a good team player.
    Right now with the exact shoe on the other foot, the Repub-squad of non-moderates is taking the same #FTV idea and running with it, because it’s a great idea. Extract concessions from the establishment centrists, the McCarthy’s, the Pelosis–even if they’re only symbolic–in order for your Speaker vote to at least be worth something in a losing fight, right?

    AOC and her little band of pretend rebels didn’t do that, because they’re not actually Left anymore, if they ever were to begin with. When push comes to shove, they’re just careerists and opportunists and nancy-licking toadies, and Sinemas in sheep’s clothing (or an edgy, deceitful TaxTheRich dress, if you prefer).

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