
It’s well before dawn. I’m working on four hours of sleep. Against my better judgment, I’m hitting the road to Scottsdale. But before I close this fascist-killing machine down, I am compelled to point out to you that Matt Taibbi just broke the story of the year, and that the media’s silence on it is just as predictable as it is evil.

When you go to the Y-Tubes and put in his name, or #Twitterfiles, or anything else that you think might bring you back some relevant video on this major story, you get exactly one credible hit.

Matt Taibbi Drops BOMBSHELL Report on Twitter’s Censorship of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

I don’t care what you think about Hunter and the Bidens, or Elon Musk, or Donald Trump, or Matt himself.

Once you’re down in the weeds, this isn’t a political story in the usual sense.

It’s a tale about the banality of evil.

Not the Orange Man Bad kind of evil. Not the evil that they try to make stick to Putin or Zelensky respectively based on team colors.

The evil you live with every day.

The evil perpetrated by college-educated people in successful organizations in the name of keeping their personal and corporate worlds successful. Thriving. Abundant, or whatever crappy Oprah word is au courant lately.

The inside of Twitter was a shitshow, but that’s only the surface level of this story.

The reason it matters is that in the end your company, your school, your bosses are absolutely no different, and to the extent that you succeed within and among them, you will end up being no different too.

The System sucks souls. The System wants you to care about hockey and wear an e-watch and to vote pointlessly in useless elections that change nothing ever.

Fuck this shitty world, this shitty world of the trains running on time that you built, that I built, that we built and go on celebrating with nauseous piety, patriotism, and flatscreens for all.

I’ll talk to you later.

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