The Magic of Everyday

They said it would be raining by ten in the morning yesterday.

It didn’t, so they revised the model and said the showers would start, weirdly, at five this morning. Again they did not.

Now they say that it will happen like a normal monsoonal day with a buildup in the coming afternoon, which is plausible, although the latter half of October lies well outside the usual time for monsoon thunderstorms.

Prediction is a tricky business.

Any which way, I should start some laundry and hang it on the rack in the yard. If nothing else, that should get the heavens to loosen their jealous grip on the precious moisture.

This is the definition of magical thinking.

After that, it will be high time to grind a batch of coffee, and then address the piled paper on my side table which has again somehow fallen into complete divine chaos. No magic there, except the most prosaic (and maybe real) kind.

High time also to make a strange random video, or maybe even a small wicked film.

The twenty-fifth one in twenty-five days.

When the number of videos is one hundred and thirty, life will look very different and so will they.

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