Illin’ Formed

Russell Brand doubles down on the ‘Rona story.

We’re Not Allowed To Talk About This

He says the last video (of his) I posted never made it onto YouTube, only Rumble instead, because of the danger of Google censorship shutting down his channel. I watched this shorter one on Rumble too, but I’m posting the YouTube version because it sort of makes more sense that way. You’ll see.

Another controversial subject. A quick clip of two persons of Jewish extraction trying to answer the question in the title.

Should Israel Exist?

Norman Finklestein is a rogue academic whose views on the query have actually moderated somewhat in his old age. The interviewer, Katie Halper, was recently fired from her day job for the crime of using the word ‘apartheid’ too close to the word ‘Israel’.

Regarding all the controversial subjects … Brian Bereletic, who goes by New Atlas on YT, talks about the Ukrainian kill list, and Elon Musk himself going onto it briefly, presumably for talking about peace, and suggesting that someone help him pay the ongoing cost of Starlinking the entire Kyiv-based military.

I love what he did with the Newsweek article in this video. It is a useful case study in exactly how we are intended to become ill-informed.

It’s not about disinformation or malinformation. It’s about information being used as a tool to further various agendas, and if you get all your news from places like NPR and Newsweek and cable TV, you are intentionally being propagandized on multiple levels. and it is very much meant to turn you into some parody of a good caring normal American.

They lie and they lie and they lie. On purpose, for a purpose.

Please stop sucking it down like Kool-Aid. I love you and I don’t want you to be willing zombie. Thanks.

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