Starlink and the Unboxing Vid

That’s all I really did today. It was a lot of work. It was my first time putting multiple clips together. Six of them to be precise. On the bright side, it’s up. On the dark, the app is both a necessity, and … substandard.

That first comment mirrors my own experience.

As things wound down at sunset I fell asleep in the living room recliner.

I watched my own video and after four hours it appears I’m the only one who has. There’s a temptation to let that fact be depressing for me. Here on the WordPress platform, there’s no easy way to see how many people have read a post, and I think that’s a good thing sometimes.

I didn’t feel like the video I made was very good, but I do have a good handle on why not, and I’m not going to stop. Ten thousand hours, no? By that metric I am already an expert at spilling. Someday the same will be true of using a camera instead of a keyboard.

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