Wednesday I got my truck back. Again, and again there was no real and in-depth study of her larger global issues, but at least this time they apologized for the oversight and didn’t charge me. My experiences this year with small and medium sized business has been unbelievably haphazard. This one was a small Ford dealer. I’ll try again, but maybe not before the move.
Thursday, as I write this back on pre-post schedule has been very holy as it is supposed to be, as the one day of solitude in the current situation. I grabbed my 25 pounds of organic garbanzos off the Azure truck. This more or less completes my half-ass prepper stash. I already had 25 each of rice and pintos; I already had the buckets with the spinner lids, and the smaller glass half-gallon jars for easy access in the kitchen.
The garbanzos were about fifty bucks. Two dollars a pound. If it were only about economy, I should just be buying cans, which range between a buck and two, per pound. Maybe dried ones are better for you than canned–it probably depends on the can, and who knows. I think I’ll be using a mix of can and dry, so as to save while still having a solid stash. Maybe I’ll come up with another reason for preferring one or the other … cans are quick and easy, but there’s a nice ritual and maybe some benefit to soaking one’s own and creating them on the boil.
Afterwards, home and another downpour, with only a little lightning and one power cut that was over quick.
I’m very organized compared to how it has been. I feel almost on top of things for a change.