well-whats-stopping-you? … halftoe, substack, 2022
… and, a half-ass prescription drug ‘subsidy’. One of the grand pieces of the glorious Inflation Reduction Act.
Just to be clear, it’s not you being subsidized. The subsidy is to big pharma–some small slice of the people will have their insanely overpriced drugs paid for by Daddy Joe’s administration (i.e., the taxpayer). It’s a giveaway to the for-profit ‘healthcare’ industry, in just the same way that the endless wars are giveaways to defense contractors.
The other grand piece is Look Hey Finally Climate, but it’s out of the exact same playbook as above.
Or, honestly, worse.
One researcher/activist refers to the legislation as the “Climate Suicide Pact“; seems to about cover it.
Voting for the allegedly lesser evil goes nowhere because, although it’s tempting to think the phrase is wry and pragmatic and sophisticated, those who practice it are self-admittedly still voting for evil. Hurrah, Democracy. Meanwhile, the whole and entire point of raiding Trump is to again try to engineer a situation where no one can throw away their vote on him ever for anything.
You heard it here first–it’s going to boomerang and blow up in their faces just like the sanctions. The midterms will be even worse, and the new Congress in the new year will keep on doing nothing for the People, being consumed instead with fighting the other half of the deep state and shielding the orange manager and holding hearings to see what they can inflict on the likes of Hunter Biden.
Tigers chasing each other around the tree, turning the Empire into butter for the rich and soylent-green for the poor, and composing new fiddle tunes while it burns, along with the ecosystem.
The organizational system on my laptop is complete and starting to look almost pretty.
This is a picture of a man going for a walk in Athens, Greece, and making a video about it. It caught my eye.