
By morning the radar was already showing band after band of rain squalls for hundreds of miles all the way from Las Vegas to Albuquerque. Here it hit hard with thunder and lightning in the early afternoon, and maybe it was the peak of the monsoon season. Here’s hoping for more though.

When it got dark tonight it stayed uncommonly humid, and I spotted the little hoppy frog again hanging out by the back door. He wasn’t quite as little. In my dreams he’s growing on a steady diet of houseflies and spiders. In my reality, he’s miraculously alive and that’s good enough.

The debacle of proxy war with Russia is devastating the economies of the West, and Europe is taking the early brunt of it.

Germany came out early waving the flag for sanctions–We don’t want any of that dirty Russian oil!–and now it is becoming obvious that this will mean no oil at all, or at least not nearly enough to get them through the winter still looking like a ‘firstworld’ golden billion country.

Faced with this epic fail of a self-administered gunshot wound, the brain trust of the transatlantic Empire is now working hard to solve the problem by … opening another front in the war, in the South China Sea. It has to be seen, studied, to be even remotely believed.

Xi to Biden, ‘You are playing with fire,’ as tensions over Pelosi’s Taiwan trip escalates

The way I’ve been hearing it, they pulled this exact same shit 25 years ago, except:

  • The President was Clinton,
  • the Speaker was Gingrich, and
  • China couldn’t afford to play hardball then, either militarily or economically.

They can now, though, and they know it, and they are.

Why in the name of fuck would the brain-dead US President sent his dotty old sidekick to rattle sabers at another nuclear-armed country just as round one of his warmongering is in the process of kicking him square in his withered old ballsac?

I’m asking because I really have no idea. For once, my question is not rhetorical.

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