There Are No Leftists Here

Convoluted namedropping in the title of a SabbySabs vid …

Kyle Kulinski RESPONDS To Joe Rogan Supporting Ron DeSantis

To set the scene, Sabby is a young black woman from Boston, and a working-class educator.

We can dispense with the Kyle part straight off. Whatever good he did as a co-founder of Justice Democrats, that was then and this is now, and now he’s on the far end of the mainstream, a proud champion of issues that are in general completely trivial and irrelevant. It’s hard to even listen to his bloviation anymore.

As for Joe Rogan, I’m not upset with him for saying nice things about a DeSantis. (Which maybe barely amounted to ‘support’, and were definitely not an Endorsement.) I’m upset with him for continuing to believe that it matters at all, which corporate-party puppet lives in the White House (or ‘represents’ you on the Hill).

In the end, I really just want to explain to my Dem-partisan loved ones just what kind of deep trouble this means for the party of the blue. The age of the neoliberal is coming to a crashingly spectacular close.

It absolutely should have been apparent when the arch-neolib Hillary lost to an ugly windbag game show host. But no. It was Jill Stein’s fault, it was Susan Sarandon’s fault, it was somehow Bernie Sanders’s fault even though he got on board like the good little centrist he turned out to be at heart.

In the long term, Biden squeaking out a win was probably the absolute worst thing that could have happened to the D’s–because it confirmed all their smug assumptions about half the country agreeing with their real agenda, when nothing could be further from the truth.

And then Biden made it even worse. After finally and messily pulling out of Afghanistan (a good thing), he continued to support the wrong side in Yemen, invaded Somalia, amped up the military budget even higher, sanctioned Russia in a flatly stupid act of economic warfare, and is now rattling sabers against China at the same time. As a result, the price of everything is mushrooming, it’s hitting the people in his base hardest, and he and his puppeteers give absolutely no fucks about that whatsoever. Way too busy spreading that military-industrial complex ‘democracy’ where they have no business.

Meanwhile, domestically, he did fuck-all for anyone. Please, please don’t what-about me with Manchin or Sinema. That’s just a perfect example of the rotating villain role popularized decades ago by the likes of Joe Lieberman. Biden didn’t provide, for example, any relief for student loan debt, although that’s one of the many things he could have done without Congressional involvement at all. Biden’s team didn’t fail on student loans “because Manchin”. He didn’t even try to address it, or many many other things that matter deeply to the lives of average people, because in the end the lives of ordinary people are not worth rocking the capitalist donor-class boat.

And now comes the willful failure to protect a woman’s right to choose, too. This time, the sting of failure is cutting very deep into the electorate.

His party is going to get absolutely destroyed in the midterms, and they will again fail to learn a damn thing from it.

In 2024 they’ll vomit up another uselessly imperialist assclown like Hillary or Biden, and Rogan favoring DeSantis more than two years out tells you everything you need to know about how that’s going to play in Peoria.

I’ll close with the comments of two people in the public section of Sabby’s video.

As someone who has been voting Green for years and is well left of the Democratic party, Desantis is leagues better than any of the Democrats being proposed. Pete? Kamala? Hillary? All to Desantis’ right on everything except woke, cultural issues.

Not sure I’d go that far, but how far I’d go is not important. There are plenty of people who feel more or less the same as this guy, and in aggregate they’re going to end up flipping the script on Lesser-Evilism. One of them says:

De Santis is better than what the Democrats offer, but that’s a very low bar. People looking for answers at the voting booth should look elsewhere. They might even do well to focus on election integrity so that candidates other than those selected by the corporate duopoly would have a chance.

Again–better? Not in my book, but … the most popular podcaster in the world agrees with them too.

Dem Darlings, all I’m saying is that you willfully underestimate the boiling rage out here in flyover country and in the inner city too, at your own partisan peril. Keep trying to cram the Clintons and Pelosis of the world, or their slightly younger versions (looking at you, Amy Klobuchar) down the collective throats of We The People, and in eight or ten years you’ll be as electorally relevant as the Whigs.

Just my two cents for a Wednesday.

One thought on “There Are No Leftists Here

  1. Two minutes that tell you all you need to know about Joe, the Rogan

    Vigorously endorsing Bernie didn’t make him a socialist.
    Shooting up a little horse paste, or even offering mild praise for a troll like DeSantis, don’t make him into a right-winger.

    Those terms are almost devoid of meaning in 2022 anyway.

    What he is, is a barometer of the good-hearted American Everyman.

    And if Everyman is more interested in DeSantis than Biden or some Bootygig, the Democratic Party better wake up and smell the fucking coffee before it’s too late.
    (Spoiler alert: They won’t.)

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