Can’t say I feel all that proud, about filling the days with chunks of detritus even if filling them at all is really the first thing … scrrape by.

JP Morgan Predicts Oil at $380 A BARREL

‘Predicts’ is a poor word choice. What JPM really said is that all it would take to get oil to $380 is for Russia to cut 5 million barrels a day out of their production schedule. For reference, the day this was posted, it was at $118. So should the evil Russians decide to exact a little revenge for whatever reason, that would likely mean gas at the pump going to $20 per gallon. And even if they did, it STILL wouldn’t be a ‘Putin price hike’, Joey.

The video might also serve as a good intro to the YouTuber know as iEarlGrey. He was getting by as an IT Tech in Britain, but could not afford to buy a house. So he took his show on the road east, and the Russians rewarded his skillset with a much better standard of living.

Independence Day – Is America Headed For Civil War?

Russell Brand. And on a related note, the question may well yet be answered with a yes.

According to a new University of Chicago poll, 28% of all Americans now agree with the following statement:

“it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government” … “Even among self-described soft Democrats, 19% said armed resistance may be necessary”.

There’s a bunch of other eye-opening results in the poll. One more:

“When asked if they considered the government ‘corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me’, 56% of respondents said they did. Democrats were the only group where the share of people who disagreed with the statement was slightly larger than those who agreed, by a two percentage point margin”.

I think the Dems are rapidly becoming the party of whistling past the graveyard, wanting desperately to think that things are fine (now that we’re rid of that Trump!), and that this is still the sweet land of liberty.

I have an opinion on that, but you know what it is.

Apolitical Bonus Round:

2 Ways to Quickly Regrow Scallions!

The basic idea here is that you take the roots piece of the scallions, the part you’d normally chuck, and stick it in dirt instead, where in theory it will grow back quickly.

I think I might try that.