
You know I love Eeyore the Canadian Commie. I don’t watch him a whole lot anymore, for the kinda dumb reason that his posts have grown undifferentiated–most all of them are titled with some variation on “The Capitalist Death Cult”.

I learned what he meant by that and I agree with it generally. But I don’t need to hear it chanted every day.

I did stumble across his opposite number. Mr. JJ is a Vancouverite and paradoxically a self-described conservative. The fact that he’s gay only makes things even less traditionally integrated.

My political and philosophical beliefs EXPLAINED

He’s pretty self aware about how he got this way–Gay in Vancouver, but a conservative anyway …

FEAR OF AUTHORITY (middle class horror)

But his awareness doesn’t save him from what he became, for economics is still for the most part Destiny.

I’m gonna stretch a point.

The proletariat, or ‘working class’, are that vast majority of people in the world who have nothing to sell but their labor.

The wage slaves.

The ‘middle class’, the vassals, or as we call them today the ‘professional and managerial class’ have some little more than that. They have just enough to worry about losing, and acting so as to not lose it shapes every part of their souls.

Boiling that all down, the vassals manage the wage slaves.

What happens next? Dylan, in the role of narrator-prole, tells it like it is.

Then he started into dealing with slaves
And something inside of him died

She had to sell everything she owned
And froze up inside

And when finally the bottom fell out
I became withdrawn

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin’ on like a bird that flew

Tangled up in blue