ever further into sin

It’s so very hard to realize that:

–You don’t win this game by getting richer, or even more ‘comfortable’

–You don’t win this game by making it to 99

–You don’t even win this game by making it to 99 in perfect health

–You don’t win this game period

–Because contrary to everything they ever told you, it’s not, and never was a game.

It’s a little unlikely miracle that after 13 billion years, you suddenly existed.

And were given this time to think and enjoy and aggravate yourself by reading some blog.

Before you someday go back to not existing at all.

Which nonexistence indeed might be a little tragic, if you want to see it that way.

But not a thing to be afraid of.

Because being afraid of some past or future … is just a waste of the miraculous time you

HAVE been given

for no reason at all.

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