
“I don’t know what the truth is
But I know that the truth ain’t what they’re telling ya.”

That’s the killshot sentence at the end of Russell Brand’s most recent brilliant take on what the hell Our Problem really is.

George Bush invades a Sovereign State on the other side of the world, under what even he later acknowledged were completely false pretenses, and the average American politician, newscaster, and citizen screams, “USA!” for years afterwards. He is handily re-elected, and if he hadn’t of been–no difference. John Kerry? A real statesman peacemaker there …

Vladimir Putin invades a country on his doorstep to counter a looming escalation in a one-sided civil war that would have resulted in the deaths of thousands of cultural Russians–clearly, the answer to that is that his leadership if not his life must be terminated immediately.

Barack Obama takes time off from drone-bombing, including targeting and killing a teenager with American citizenship for the crime of having a father who says unkind things about the Great Satan, to briefly invade the sovereign nation of Pakistan, over Pakistani objections, just to have the satisfaction of putting a bullet in the head of bin Laden. Yay! We win. There is a God!

Joseph Biden re-invades the Somalia evacuated by Donald Trump … Crickets, c’mon. No one gives a shit about Somalia, or how it got turned into a shithole in the first place. It’s not in Europe. They have no white mothers and babies to feature in propaganda puff pieces by Accredited Real Journalists. There are simply not adequate heart strings to play on. It doesn’t have a ruggedly handsome coke addict actor to sing The Hero Song about … It don’t sell the soap; fuck it, who cares?

All of these ‘leaders’ are vile greedy war criminals out to line their own pockets first and foremost. Then those of their children. Then those of their caste and class.

But I’m supposed to vote for this one and hate that one because … Because why again? Because the kids that are still in the cages? Because vagina? Because gay this or privilege that? Because Murica? Team Blue? Orange man bad? Russia bad?

I choose to just say no to useless voting on the one hand, and hate on the other.

The foreign policy of America has been outlined previously. It has nothing to do with my interests, even if I did theoretically benefit in some twisted way by being accidentally born into the six:40 Empire of Opportunity.

The domestic policy of the Republicratic Party also doesn’t concern itself with my interests in the slightest, not economically nor spiritually. One hundred percent of House Dems voting to ship forty billion more to be funneled through Ukraine and laundered back to their own caste and class–just like happened in Afghanistan for the last twenty years? Oh sure, I stand with AOC.

Girl don’t stand with me though.


Forgive me if I sounded unwoke there for a second.

Diverse Squaddie VIMMENZ did not succeed, in standing for the world this Dalit boy dreams of in any night of his cheap-ass life, and she/they ain’t gonna never effin ever, and you can slap a drum track on that and drop the mic for good.

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