Gearing Up

So you know, it’s Thursday, Soliday (as I write this a little late), and two days from now the show reluctantly hits the hot road.

It means (if history is any guide) that my good steady posting will take a bad hit for ten days to two weeks.

I have a vague notion about posting a single pic or short vid clip per day. It seems like a workable plan, but in the words of the prophet, No plan survives contact with the enemy.

As a penultimate sendoff, I’m dumping a bunch of arguably interesting links in the comment below. I don’t have time to flesh them out, but I will put the best one here up top.

So as you know, the bobblehead neocons and neolibs that currently run things in Finland and Sweden are racing forward like viking lemmings to board the NATO ship as it heads over the Falls.

What you may not know yet is that NATO, being a military alliance, is naturally a full consensus operation. In other words, any member state can say no, to any other new potential member state joining.

This may explain for you that when the Putin administration was a new one, and he petitioned most humbly for Russia to please be allowed to join NATO itself, the Empire said oh hell no.

Basically the only reason NATO existed was to be a counterweight to the USSR. If the enemy joined in alliance and peace, NATO would have no reason to exist. And soooo many good jobs and arrangements would be lost. So of course they told Putin to fuck off.

So anyway. Noble allied Turkey took one look at the Finland/Sweden thing and said, hey wait a minute. Is that opportunity I hear knocking? Why yes it is. These goons holed up in Brussels, they really need our yes vote. So I think we’ll make them pay for it, and through the nose.

First things first, Sweden, you’re a haven for Kurdish separatists, the PKK. Those poor filthy Kurds are still sitting in northern Iraq dreaming about their own sovereign nation of Kurdistan, which … would of course include the Kurdish parts of Turkey. And they have guns. That makes them terrorists!

You have to call them that bad name, and boot their exiled leaders’ asses out of your Scandinavian terror paradise.

After that, we have a long list of cutting edge weapons we want from the US, and assurances that we’ll get parts and training for them … it goes on and on.

The thing is, Sweden and Brussels and the handlers back in Washington will be compelled by their own twisted desires, to give into these Turkish demands. Fuck the Kurds. Again. Amirite?

The PKK is watching the writing appear on the wall.

And they are far from the only people up there who are upset.

Honestly, one has to wonder. What is it that the oligarch classes in Sweden and Finland hope to gain, in exchange for sacrificing their neutrality, not to mention the Kurdish cause they were supporting with such brotherly love only weeks ago?

I don’t know, but I’d be willing to bet it’s a whole big pile of green.

And that is storytime for today.

One thought on “Gearing Up

  1. What Azov really is, and why it’s so essential to Ukraine’s nature: analysis from a US Iraq war vet.

    Analysis of why Sanctions are not hurting Russia at all, but boomeranging viciously on the powerless poor people of the West

    A Christoforou update, mainly valuable for the clip of George Bush confusing Ukraine with Iraq, and more importantly WHY that was such an easy and natural mistake for him to make.

    Russell Brand on the Bush confusion–even better than the above

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