
Why is it, do you suppose, that the red/white/blue empire is so concerned about Taiwan–especially considering that it formally recognizes the PRC as the sole legitimate China?

In particular, why would the Empire let a place like Hong Kong be reabsorbed into China with only muted formal tongue-clucking, but set up whole new networks of military alliance to prepare for the day Beijing moves on Taiwan?

When the time comes to shoot about it, you are going to hear plenty about defending the liberty of the brave Taiwanese against the Other Autocratic Regime. But just as in Europe right now, no one will be talking about why the Empire claims to have any security interest at all in a tiny island so far away, and right off the coast of its true major rival.

If China starting pouring advanced weaponry into Cuba …

We already know what would happen, because essentially it happened sixty years ago during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

But our favorite Empire, pouring the same into an island just off China’s coast?

That’s already being painted as perfectly acceptable. This is the dictionary definition of hypocrisy.

Fortunately you are wildly intelligent enough to read this blog, and so you will know exactly why Earth’s two major empires will inevitably clash in this spot.

Taiwan, it turns out, produces 92% of the world’s supply of something all modern empires desperately need.

You have to watch the video to learn what it is, but I think you’ll find it remarkably entertaining anyway.