Sanction The Pope Next

The shattered and confused tone of this Wall Street article is pretty priceless. You can get a sense of it from the subhead, which seems to suggest that Francis has some kind of learning disability.

That’s not the story. The story simply put is that the Pope, like any thinking person not constantly brainwashed by the western media, suggested that the brave, innocent, freedom-loving government of Ukraine, and the imperial powers that put it there in the first place, might just possibly be as responsible for this war as your favorite Ruskie Supervillain and his hideous commie autocrat henchmen.

If you read closely you can almost feel the WSJ writers choking on the bitterness of this truth pill.

I suggest you don’t read it at all. Instead, check out a version of the story not told through clenched teeth.

It’s totally fine to dismiss me as a dreamy kook who just doesn’t live in the real world full of bad people. Often I wish it were actually true. It’s fine to dismiss Glenn Greenwald as a closet right-winger–he’s said he doesn’t care.

But seriously, my darlings.

Are you not even the least bit curious about seeing what our beloved Francis sees, and why?

One thought on “Sanction The Pope Next

  1. A curiously parallel road-to-Damascus eye-opener, but on the Roe v. Wade thing.

    I want so badly, even more than you want me to, to SHUT UP–about all of this, and go back telling you a story about trying to make a better life for my own self.

    I guess I have my own subtle addiction issues.

    I think I’ll go watch some Gabor Mate now, and maybe swear an oath on the Pope to make Saturday’s post non-political.

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