“We have always been at war with Eastasia”

First let’s stipulate: Republicans bad, Orangeman bad, you’ll get no blowback from me on any of it.


Roe v. Wade stood as a ruling for 50 years or so.

In all that time, the Democrats somehow never managed to get around to codifying the decision into law. It’s a thing they could still do, this week or next.

It won’t happen, precisely because enshrining a right to abortion into a legislated right once and for all, and taking the issue out of the Court’s hands permanently, would deprive The Party of one of their major scare tactics and cultural wedge issues.

What they’ve told you all your life is: If you’re pro-choice … you have no choice. You MUST vote blue no matter who, because the President appoints the Justices, and the Justices decide, about that abortion thing you care so much about.

It was a great game while it lasted, a real barnburner of a cowcatcher. Not the only one by any means, but mighty fine.

They’re on the scout for a few more such issues.

Gramps Joe thinks he might have a live one. You’re gonna freaking love Cold War 2.0.

It would be unfashionable to start yammering about the Red Menace or the Yellow Peril.

Even the Commie bogeyman doesn’t have the same motivational impact it once did. Any college-educated young person shrugs and says, yeah, they’re atheists. Okay. So am I.

So it won’t be democracy vs. communism this round. Instead, it’s “democracy” vs. “autocracy”.

Wikipedia: “a system of government in which absolute power over a state is concentrated in the hands of one person”.

Which is not the case in either Russia or China, but in fact is, in examples like our good maniac friend in Saudi Arabia. Who we will never be at war with, at least until he decides that petrodollars are a little too 1995 for his taste.

Also, democracy as practiced currently in the US is just a sick fucking joke played on the gullible.

In China, in France, in the UK and Canada, in America as in Russia, there is only one form of government in the serious modern world. A small group of economic and political elites run the show from top to bottom, for their own benefit at the expense of everyone else, with “parties” amounting to fashion statements and cultural signalling. The very moment “gay marriage” reached 51% approval in the polls, good old Barack was suddenly and totally on board–the issue made zero difference to the power structure anyway, so throwing it out there like a beefy bone was just a freebie in any case. Lookit everyone: Diversity! Never you mind about that little old Wall Street bailout! Or your own underwater mortgage!

Meanwhile, according to our Dear Leader’s own words, World War III is already happening. Ukraine is just the first battle. He said it plainly. Are you listening? He is preparing you for the many to come.

Doubtless it will involve great sacrifice for you and those you love.

Doubtless you will offer each sacrifice with a big full patriotic American heart because it is so worth it, at least to the bottom lines of those people that own you, and … of course, to what’s left of those values we hold so dear.

When your greatest sacrifices start returning home in body bags, things may start to look a little different, just as they did to a hundred thousand parents in the wake of Vietnam.

But sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

Matthew Six, verse 34.

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