
Speaking of political, subspecies non-overt:

If this is not the most American thing you’ve ever seen, bring on the competition.

Here’s the link if you want … personally I could only take about a minute of it, whereas the pic told me all I felt I needed.

And … admittedly … overt …

I honestly don’t know what the hell they’re doing to themselves, and collaterally us peasants.

I’ll put the rest of my mouth-breathing down in a comment to spare you.

One thought on “Overtonic

  1. ‘Putin’s price hike’ is a poor lie, obviously so to the meanest intellect. The price went up because the supply went down, and it was the sanctioning that did that–a purely self-inflicted wound, which a clear majority of ‘allies’ are refusing to do to themselves–Germany for example is talking real big out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other it’s … ‘weaning our Volk off the bad russian crack … by the end of the year … maybe … if we can do it without freezing to death …’

    But in order to encourage compliance with the useless boomeranging sanctions, the Empire is shipping … its ENTIRE strategic reserve to Europe? Instead of flooding local markets a bit to cool inflationary pressure at home … which would still be a dumb, but maybe understandable idea?

    What if there’s like … you know … a real emergency?

    Would you give your whole life savings to make it a little bit easier for a friend to keep his house, even if it grievously risked putting you out of your own?

    And this is just one bonehead quasi-suicidal piece of strategery in a whole whore’s breakfast* of a foreign policy, which is shoving friends like India away with a vengeance, and emboldening a much more dangerous rival than little old Russia.

    Hot on the heels of a completely failed domestic agenda.

    Right in the face of what will certainly be a historic drubbing in the midterms.

    And leaving any sensible rhetoric to Donald. Fucking. Trump, for Chrissake, who just announced he’s running again on a platform of letting Europe and the rest of the world deal with their own effing problems instead of acting like we’re still the Supercop in charge of everything.

    Out there in the tree-lined suburbs, they’ve always hated the man. Not just evil, but icky too.

    But after two years of absolutely nothing for the people (you wanted health care–here, have an overpass!) and mismanaging the virus, and two more ahead of seven-dollar gas and seven-percent inflation, the deplorables of Iowa and Carolina and Dakota are going to be foaming at the mouth to Make America Great Again, or maybe even just a little bit less shitty. It won’t be close this time. These people are my neighbors and for better or worse my peers.

    Even the ones like me that could never bring themselves to vote for the orange man will just stay home in droves. And effectively, I’ll be one of them, flinging a protest vote at Marianne or whoever the Greens can puke up. Not Trump.

    But god help us not one more useless crypto-evil blue bootygig proxy-warrior of a classist shitheel either, EVER.

    (* Sorry. I meant to say “sex worker’s brunch”.)

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