Hungry Like The Wolf

We can’t make it here anymore (unless “it” means weapons or blind immoral greed). But you, I, and all citizens of the Empire are going to have to learn how anyway, all over again, nevertheless.

Roughly translated, that is the opinion of the analysts at The Duran.

They say sure: Rampant inflation is inevitable, based on what the Empire has done already. But that’s just the start. They’re doubling down on both the European and Pacific fronts, making hot war with the other emergent superpowers much more likely, if not eventually inevitable.

The tensions involved will spill back over into the economic sector, in terms of manufacturing and trade. The flow of all that less expensive Chinese stuff routed to us through the Bezos will slow down and maybe get pinched off completely. (So no, young friend, I won’t be buying your Apple stock, sorry.)

The dollar will be eclipsed. Death will continue along its merry way. And: globalization as we’ve known it will come to an end. This latter is the most significant part.

What counter-globalism does to the Empire and its residents will be interesting. I doubt I’ll be around to see it play out, or the aftermath either, as the world begins to encounter the freight train of climate devastation. Perhaps that’s even a blessing.

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