Homework Anarchist

Through the silent night I worked, on a project quotidian and dull, but fulfilling in its way all the same.

Basically it involved emptying out most of the front room and making it look a lot more like the workshop I intended it to be. I relocated some book piles to the boudoir. I extracted a big useless piece of furniture and put it outside; we’ll see what hell that buys me great or small. And I made an unsorted pile at the other end of the house a little bigger and taller

So now the front tire of my spendy ebike is pointed diagonally at the front door, ready to roll with no obstruction, and my toolboxes are markedly more accessible.

I was kinda hoping that Kevin at the truck place would have called by now, so I could recollect the pickup and use it to get the overflow recycling out of here too. But he’s taking his time.

It’s just one of those things, like a Las Vegas wedding, a Mexican divorce, a solid gold Kama Sutra coffee pot OR

a baby’s arm holding an apple.

One thought on “Homework Anarchist

  1. You don’t hate Putin because he invaded the Ukraine. If you did, you would hold the same visceral hate for every American politician since Jimmy Carter.

    You hated him already, remember? For stealing our elections, for all those Russiagate reasons.

    But now it’s clear that Russiagate was almost entirely a big fat lie, a lie birthed by the Hillary campaign, and repeated on infinite loop by the neolib media until you righteously hated Putin as much as you hated Trump.

    Clinton Campaign Fined For Lying About Trump & Russia

    To the extent that your neo-McCarthyism is flaring up lately, it is a pure product of the same world-class propaganda machine that is now daily telling you lies about what’s happening in that war far away. Even openly admitting it, if you listen close.

    Please remember to question what they tell you.

    In turn, I will try to remember that I don’t care anymore.

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