‘Leader’ of the ‘Free’ World

The sanctions included stealing half of Russia’s currency and running around the world trying to convince little countries (mostly unsuccessfully) that buying energy from Vlad was just too immoral.

They kicked him in the teeth for sure. But his pain is already fading.

The Sanctioner’s own pain is only just starting to ramp up.

Joe Biden will be fine. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, fine. Bezos and Musk, fine. All the people in the rich white suburbs around the beltway, with Ukrainian flags in their immaculate yards–fine.

Maybe you’ll be fine too for now.

The least of these my brothers, my sisters, maybe not so much.

The Empire’s imperialist project is beginning to devour itself. The economically defenseless will be chewed up first, of course.

By the time the Chomp comes for you it’ll be far too late to do anything about it.

Dream big radical dreams now.

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