Let Them Sleep on Cake

Representative Maxine Waters, often portrayed as one of the good Dems, to a crowd of people at her own LA ’emergency shelter event’: “I want everybody. To go home”.

Random average American black woman in the crowd: “We ain’t GOT no home! That’s why we’re here!”

Maxine: (laughs in their faces at the good joke)

There’s more. Unbelievably, it gets worse.

See for yourself.

A short perfect encapsulation of everything that’s wrong with this shitty so-called democracy.

And yeah some other stuff.

Brian Becker: ‘The Government That Speaks in Our Name’
(The whole media apparatus wants you to weep for Ukrainian women on the edge of giving birth, so they find them, show them, and you do. When it comes to women who aren’t white, Palestinian women for example, you say to me: ‘Bruh that 70-year-old made-up country has a Right To Defend Itself’. Yeah. From thrown stones. From harsh words. With rockets, beatings, and bulldozers. Because those goons are our goons.
Major historical takeaway here.
1950s: Kruschev says, hey, let us join NATO. Eisenhower refuses.
1990s: Putin himself makes the same request. Clinton says no.
Watch the vid for the Why.)

Ryan Knight on Sabby Sabs: Democratic Myths and the Uniparty Reality

(The Invaluable) Max Blumenthal REACTS to Brie’s Interview w/ (another California faux-prog demRep) Ro Khanna