Denisova II

That Denisovan man, that wasteland man.

Just leave him alone like your mama said, and he will probably and usually and almost always do the same for you.

I’m not sure if that makes me a better man than Joaquin’s Joker, or worse. I’m not sure of much, because like the scripture tells us, in this world The Best Lack All Conviction. Honestly it’s been the same back to Socrates, though maybe not much earlier than that, if I am right, and we’ll never know.

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned, in Diplomatic Sanctions.

Surely some Revelations is at hand? Well, we got this much:

“Batman: The Widening Gyre is the title of a six-issue comic book limited series released August 2009.”

It’s like Bob Ross always said, speaking of scripture. How’s that for a happy little accident?

Bob Ross beat the odds, and the Wasteland at its own game, eventually, after a long career of working for the Air Force in Alaska, his knowing eyes ever watchful for the bear across the Strait. How many of us will be able to say the same in the end?

If I were a rational man, I wouldn’t bet on myself to do it.

Fortunately I’m not.

So the one main thing left standing in the way of my oddsbusting, it lives poised between my very own eyes.