Let’s Go Brand

Have The Truckers Won?

No, and I’m not sure we even want them to, in every aspect, but there are cracks in the wall they’re assailing.

In Coutts, Alberta, the truckers agreed to open one lane of traffic in each direction, so long as the provincial government agreed to wipe out the province-level vax-passport program. It happened.

A neighboring flyover province did the same without any negotiation at all.

You may well say: yeah, but the federal Canadian passport program still stands …

Which is true. Just like marijuana is still illegal, federally, in Colorado and all the other United States that have legalized … but it doesn’t matter, if there’s no local enforcement. In either case.

No matter how you feel about mandates, getting rid of passports can be seen as a positive thing. I certainly see it as so.

It’s now generally agreed that everyone will get Covid eventually. If that’s the case, trying to stop it from happening with mask laws or firing unvaccinated nurses is just dumb. A number of blue states south of the Maple border are acknowledging that and planning to drop their ineffective laws. Oregon. Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, on the rez, they cheerfully take your temperate from your forehead remotely just as they’ve always done.

Meanwhile, I’m continuing to wear a mask everywhere because I actually like being a masked man, and because Covid isn’t the only thing I can catch from yonder great unwashed masses. I still haven’t had an episode of anything like a cold or flu for going on two years now. If it ain’t broke …

With the whole rationale for mandates crumbling out from under the feet of our dear leaders, they increasingly have no ground to stand on. Do I personally care if Justin Trudeau is punted out of office? No, because the Corporate Machine of Democracy will just replace him with something worse. Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden meant nothing and I’m quite certain nothing’s different up north, except that they have some degree of not-for-profit healthcare left over from the glory days before the billionaires cut the people’s breath completely.

I still support breathing, and protest.

For their own sake.

Keep on truckin’.

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