So, I’m Right Wing Now?

That’s not my title. I stole it.

From Russell Brand.

Some neolib dingleberry on Twitter, as part of the ongoing effort to smear Joe Rogan, put together a list of JRE guests, in columns marked “left-wing” and “right wing”, to try to demonstrate how Rogan has secret conservative leanings.

Unfortunately for his mission, he tagged Mr. Brand as a right-winger, and that was only the most stupid of several questionable choices on the list. Brand responds with mirth and thunder in the video linked above.

Not on the list was Jon Stewart, but:

Jon Stewart Supports Rogan! Opposes Censorship

So there’s that.


The bottom line is that left and right have ever less relevance and meaning anyway.

I continue to watch hours of live video from Ottawa, and other places like Windsor and little old Coutts on the northwestern border, as it spreads.

I agree with almost nothing that the protestors have to say about ‘communism’ or Antifa or anything else. I think that their ideas about Freedom are capitalistic and feeble-minded. I am, in very generic terms, pro-vaxx, and I don’t even care that much about their central issue of Mandates. And yet …

I am very glad that people are in the streets at last, and expressing their displeasure with neo-liberal bullshit of the kind embraced by the likes of Justin Trudeau and Joseph Biden, both of whom, for example, can’t wait to get into another pointless war over the Ukraine.

I’m glad, even though that puts me in the company mainly of the worst of american Republicans.

Glad for the same reasons I was over Occupy Wall Street, or Black Lives Matter.

The only thing I’d say to the well-intentioned and dare I even say good people protesting in Ottawa is that a focus on the streets around Parliament is a waste of your temporarily considerable power.

Move more of the trucks to the international bridges and watch your enemies on both sides of the border actually begin to squirm and finally agree to start talking.

No corrupt politician or corporatist on either side of the gives a goddamn about your opinion of them, or about anything else you The People think or say or feel. Your tears and curses mean nothing to them.

What they care about is money.

Start to strangle trade, and they’ll definitely start to care. Not because they feel any differently about you. But because the Beast must be fed rivers of green blood at all times, or it begins to choke.

I know you don’t care that that’s good for the environment. I know you don’t care that that’s bad for capitalism and empire. Fine. I’ll care about that half of the equation. Only embrace the fact that those bridges are the key to getting you what you want.

And maybe we can both find something to be happy about, for a change.

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