Not The Lesser Evil

The primary argument proposed in the blue-no-matter-who days before the last Presidential election was that Hey, Biden and the Dems are a least a little better than Trump and his creepy cohort, right?

I was a tiny bit persuaded, then. But I just flat don’t believe it any more.

I could go down the line issue by issue explaining why–“kids in cages” comes to mind immediately–but things are much worse than suggested by any one of those smaller arguments, or even than fistfuls of them taken all at once.

Here’s why, in three quick acts.

I. What They Stand For vs. What They Claim To Stand For

At some point in Hillary’s 2016 run, her remarks to donor elites behind closed doors were leaked. The essence of her comments was: Look, boys. Don’t worry. When you see me promising liberal things to the masses, that’s just politics. But you know and I know where I really stand. No war machine capitalist, no greedy pharma exec, has a damn thing to fear from me. Nothing will change for you under Clinton 2.0 … I’m one of you, after all.

In 2020, Biden echoed her words to the same mega-wealthy donor class, again behind closed doors.

Here’s how it looks and plays out in the real world.

CA Democrats Squash Medicare for All Bill

California’s government is a Dem wet dream come true. They control more than three-quarters of the legislature, and of course both Senators and the Governor are Democrats.

They can literally do whatever they want. And for years, according to the Governor and many, many other politicians, Health Care for every Californian was top of the list. If the country as a whole wouldn’t find a way to pass Medicare For All, well gosh darn it, at least here in liberal Cali, completely controlled in every dimension by the Democratic Party, we can provide it for our people. Vote Blue!

It never happened, and it likely never will happen, under Dem rule. Not even in California. Not even with supermajorities in both houses.

You can’t blame that on a random Manchin or a lone Sinema.

Nor can you blame the state’s runaway homelessness ‘problem’ on some rotating villain, either.

Nor anything but the fact, as JD says toward the end of this video, that there’s one party, the Money Party, and everything else is just window dressing, branding, and choosing to Identify with a Team. Being a Blue Voter means no more and no less than being a fan of the Broncos or Bengals, or Coke or Pepsi, or Apple or Google, and believing that it does isn’t any longer a sign of moral superiority or an alliance with evil, full stop.

II. Censorship

Glenn Greenwald is smarter than you or me. At the very least, this is true when it comes to legal matters, and especially so when it comes to civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, starting with the First and most cherished Amendment of our alleged constitutional democracy.

Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment

An Amendment that is being actively undermined by pressure upon the tech companies, among others, to do the bidding of the “Liberals”. Speaking of …


Back when I was a reporter, the term “liberal media” was acknowledged among us liberals in the media with a wink and a nod. Of course it was the truth–but only among we few and proud rank-and-file general journalists.

Even back then, the problem was that the media Ownership were business people, avowed capitalists and happy patriotic Americans, and so any hireling journalist who wanted to do anything more revolutionary than grind out a good living from the practice of Objective Journalism was just let go, or never hired in the first place.

In radio, where I worked, the landscape was dominated by people like Rush Limbaugh. But back then there were some challengers to that paradigm. NPR had yet to be co-opted, and the Pacifica Radio Network was a real force in many markets. Most notably, there was Air America, a commercial operation with lefty-flavored hosts.

But looking back, even Air America was playing it pretty safe. The big names to come out of it were people like Sam Seder and Rachel Maddow, figures that today are universally reviled by actual leftists with integrity.

So when those with integrity find ways around the manufactured Money Party consensus, the devolved fourth estate is the first dog in the pack to be baying for blood. When the Dem wing of the Money Party decides that Julian Assange or Joe Rogan is now an enemy, for whatever threat to the endless profits of the war machine or the pharmaceutical lobby they pose, the gloves come off and Rachel, or Morning Joe, or Don Lemon, or Anderson Cooper, or Chris Cuomo are more than happy to tell all good Libs what to think, about Ukraine, or Covid, or any other damn issue du jour.

They’re paid liars, and typically very well-paid at that.

Listening to them with any credulity puts you at risk for brain damage.

So … alternatively …

Glenn’s version: The Media Outlets Demanding Joe Rogan’s Removal from Spotify Spread Far More Disinformation

Jimmy’s version: Joe Rogan Responds To Critics & Spotify

Russell’s version, and please watch this one if nothing else, because it is absolutely 100% calm and rational: The Truth

I also have plenty more to say, and I sigh to think that at length I probably will.

But for now: Hold. Enough.

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