Breaking With The Machine

“Pushing back is not a good move, if your livelihood depends on it”.

–Tara Henley, in CBC Journalist Quits in Protest of Repressive & Politicized Newsroom

What she means is that if you’re scared of losing your job, in journalism or similar white-collar creative positions, you’re going to say only what They want you to say, and never say what they don’t.

Ms. Henley is in particular railing against the stupider kinds of wokeness up in Canada, but her interviewer Mr. Greenwald went through the same thing before the last Presidential, when his handlers at The Intercept forbade him from doing journalism about Hunter Biden.

Unwilling to sell out their principles for the sake of a well-paid gig, both quit and offered their words direct to the public via Substack, and other relatively independent platforms like Rumble.

My own story is nowhere near as heroic or principled, but there are parallels that I see more clearly as the months pass.

The next solstice in the summer, it will have been two years since my love affair with fully employed middle class existence ran off the road, and one year since I made the decision to break with the Systems completely.

There is a darker part of me that constantly berates and critiques its host ego for not doing a better job of crafting alternatives quickly.

But I know I did the right thing two years ago, and a year ago, and today.

And I know that’s eventually going to bear lovely belletristic fruit.

That’s the point of my life, and my faith holds that my living will take care of itself one way or the other.

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