Viral Capitalism

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tells Shocking Truth About Anthony Fauci

You can say, as many people have, that RFK is a crank or a loon and especially so on the topic of vaccines. I don’t think so … but okay, maybe.

One little data point in this interview can’t be hand-waved away ad hominem though.

The US Empire is 4.2% of the population.

But that same country of four percent was the home of 20% of the worldwide total of COVID deaths.

Eight hundred thousand of us are dead already. That’s one out of every 425 citizens just dead and gone from this virus. The equivalent of 267 World Trade Centers, or fourteen and a half Vietnam Wars.

I want to ask: what the hell is wrong with us, that the same virus that exists in Sweden and Nigeria and Singapore can kill so many more of us–but that may be a loaded question. So let’s just ask instead: What is different about us, that the virus was so very much more deadly and devastating here?

We will each come up with our own variety of explanations for that.

I have mine and they’re close enough to RFK’s that I don’t need to bore you with them here.

On a related note:

Jimmy Dore & Graham Elwood Debate Vax Mandates

Two friends of thirty years standing, each of them bright, compassionate, and with serious leftish credentials, disagree violently at times over whether the government should coerce or compel people socioeconomically to take the jab.

Way back when, we could have essentially the same argument over laws mandating the wearing of motorcycle helmets. In that case I would say that society does have the right to mandate helmets, because while it’s true that you have every right to splatter your own head all over the highway, you don’t have the right to expect that your fellow taxpayers are going to pay for your expensive paraplegia, or to bear the sole burden for raising and educating your ill-considered spawn for the next twenty years either.

In the case of vaxxing though, I think the situation is much less clear. The risks and benefits of vaccination are not well understood. We are talking about mass scale medical experimentation, and we are talking about whether the government could ever have the right to coerce a medical procedure.

If you think so, you have a lot of smart people, up to and including Noam Chomsky, on your side.

Personally I am not yet convinced.

I voted for Joe. I took my jabs. I’ve been a good doo-bee, but my patience for this shit is worn paper-thin, and for the moment I have no use for a series of boosters stretching over the horizon into infinity.

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