
If you think Julian Assange is some kind of criminal or traitor, or if you don’t think his case matters in the grand scheme, Glenn Greenwald would like a word with you.


If you don’t have time for an hour of Glenn, I encourage you to just check Julian’s own words, clipped in at about the 41-minute mark. He says, in essence, the following.

Every single war the US has waged in the last 80 years at least, every one of the regime changes and police actions in your lifetime and mine, has had no legitimate basis, and was fought for the sole purpose of sucking up wealth from the American working and middle classes and transferring it to the pockets of greedy and evil military-industrial elites, D and R alike.

No WMDs. No red menace. The cherished freedoms of Afghani women, nothing but window dressing designed by the satanic cult that runs every aspect of your life, grinding off your own freedoms one roe and wade and dollar at a time.

The Empire goes to war only to make certain that the same people that killed JFK get ever richer on your dime, so that their overfed spawn can run off to the best universities and perpetuate the rot.

Please remember that simple fact when they starting telling you why you need to send your dollars and your children over into some bonecrusher machine in Ukraine or Venezuela or the South China Sea, because they’ll be doing it again any day now. The reasons they give you for the necessity of ‘sacrifice’ will be damnable lies every time, just as they always have been, and if you swallow them you’re a goddamn fool.

Julian Assange is only guilty of letting you know that truth, and he has already paid a ruinous price for it.

The news you watch every day won’t tell you that, because they themselves are greedy and evil asslicking corporate elites that are paid well to pretend to think, while serving the Moloch machine of your real plutocratic government. Even the nice smart lesbian. Even the friendly nerd. Even the black guy.

Even the demented uncle and his ethnic sidekick the upright prosecutor.

A pox on them all from the boardrooms to the broadcast studios.

And free Julian now.

One thought on “Julian

  1. So it was a long hour that ended up in a scathing indictment of the corporate media, but Glenn was only warming, to that part. Here he is shortly after, showing in detail how the pols and the media bobbleheads collaborate to promote The Lie that keeps you in chains you can’t even see.


    Should you prefer the quick hot take on it all, Caitlin provides. Six minutes.


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