Didn’t lay hands on the truck at least not yet; rust never sleeps among the deep poor, and our current seller is among them.
Did get the fancy camera, and spent the whole evening at home trying to figure out how the firmware updates on it, and associated idiocy. But it’s working, and this day, as we wind north for family and holiday, I’ll test it under disparate conditions.
The last of the tomatoes, basil, mint were plucked over the weekend because the hard frost came last night. Today the leaves are falling like girl rain, for the same reason.
The harvest was timely. In addition to pulling the camera and the tomatoes and the patreon, I placed in the root cellar accounts at stripe and paypal, youtube and rumble, liberapay and protonmail.
Today we’re leaving on the holiday road.
I want to launch on the solstice.