In one of them I got a unexpected backchannel comment about a stray cat. Like I told her, it made me very happy. (Love you.)
I bombed out of college a couple of times, and then employments too. Each time there came a relative period of peace, in which I reflected that I failed because I was so hungry for slack and pushed that hunger too far during the time I was supposed to have the opportunity to be a model citizen.
The mechanics of failure are to permit one the real thing. Slack, I mean.
The Covidian lockdown has been the greatest of these.
In another of them I broke my favorite coffee cup. But I know where to get another, and it’s not too far, and I have too many coffee cups anyway.
Yesterday was the March for Medicare for All in 50 cities across the country.
I had some guilt about not going, because there was nothing stopping me, except that the nearest one was hours away and in the hellpit of the Valley.
Instead I watched some livestreams, most notably the one Dore spoke at. I commend it to your consideration. The movement is small but right. And there is one.