Otto Parts

“When their brakes squeak, they don’t go:
Oh god, what am I gonna do?‘ ”

–Graham Elwood at the 9:49 mark here

It’s a quick one, featuring Graham and Jimmy, and the title of it is:
Biden Ramps Up Drug War As Hunter Walks Free

All true enough. I was grateful, though, that only the first four minutes or so were wasted on creepy Bidens young and old specifically. After that, Graham kicks in and beautifully details the real problem, as pointed out in the pull quote at the top up there, and including a jab at the pernicious fallacy of voting “Blue No Matter Who”.

I never fell for the Bidenista bullshit, even though I held my nose and voted against Trump like a good boy.

I won’t be making that mistake again. I’ll have a ballot mailed, so I can vote against Sinema, and for any marginally helpful ballot initiatives. But I’ll write in Hunter Thompson, on the blank line under Sinema’s name, and Paula Jean Swearingen or Graham Elwood next to any other corporate Dem/Repuke false choice they’re offering.

When it gets Presidential again in a few years, I’m voting for Not-Kamala and Not-Trump-Lite. Maybe the People’s Party will slap up an alternative. Maybe the Greens will reanimate the next hippie corpse. Whoever seems the lesser of twelve evils, rather than two, will take the top of my ballot.

Whoever I can turn to, if only in my heart, when the brakes ominously squeak the next time.