Say Nay

Bernie Finally Plays Hardball

Jordan and Steve are smart guys. But still, I’m in disagreement, about this new updated Bernie that we’re supposed to risk loving again.

Gentlemen, Bernie well may deserve credit for “shifting the Overton window”. Someday, his floating of “potential” extra billions may be quite welcome. If. When. Anything concretely good ever happens.

Jordan says that some people are nay-sayers. Jordan says some people can’t see the good anymore.

Yeah. No. I’m a nay-sayer.

I can still see real good. This isn’t it. We have absolutely no tangible reason to believe that Sanders is doing anything more than smartly dressing a window.

And even granting the best of motivations and the keenest of strategy to the Senator–so what?

What good does it do anyone, to come down off our jade horses and root root root for the Bern team?

I had a couple chances to vote for him and I did it.

Both times he let himself be out-strategized, outmaneuvered and destroyed.

My votes didn’t matter. His eleven-dimensional chess didn’t matter. He threw up his hands and got back on the duopoly dementia train like a good, good boy.

What makes Jordan believe that things will go any differently in this much smaller, vaguer case?

Jordan says: “Bernie basically just forced a corporate Democratic party to actually provide substantial investment … ”

But that’s obvious and patent bullshit. He asked for more, like a gray Jewish Oliver Twist.

He does that all the time. Usually it doesn’t work.

How you get ‘forced’ or ‘hardball’ out of that I just don’t know, Nay.