Holding Pattern

As I come out of the haze the trauma winds blast me again; the message of the dream being: don’t ever put yourself back into a position where the petty tyrant can hurt you again. Is it possible?

There’s a similar gust in the Zeitgeist. I hear it everywhere: I’m done with electoralism.

It’s easy enough to be disappointed in the Joe. Takes almost no effort.

But even the high priestess AOC has had a bad week.

Even the next generation of hope embodied by the very best Democrat Nina Turner is beginning to quiver in the eye of the hard left, their, our, tongues seeming to start to coat with something sour. The logic isn’t solid, but the temptation to chuck out baby and bathwater alike is irresistible.

Our eyes witness that out past the breakers of voting laws and primary challenges and who we love and who sucks this week, the sharky rich are eating us alive.

It’s not just that corporations pay no tax. It’s that we who do pay tax are paying it to them. That’s not hyperbole. The system is so broken that instead of the rich paying, their share or any share, they’ve rigged the game so that the tax system rebates them, billions of dollars worth.

Meanwhile, we’re supposed to care whether the corporate tax rate is an Obaman 35%, a Bideny 28%, a Manchin-approved 25%, or a Trumpy 21%. IT MAKES NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE. NONE. NONE.

Anybody who tries to tell you that it does is putting on an evil, cynical puppet show to distract you. Millionaires in nice suits talking their heads off about anything but reality, and taking their cut from the real masters to go buy a house in the Hamptons.

Or maybe even worse, an unpaid cultist spreading lies for free, because they’ve bought the lies and would like some company in the cold community of brainwash land.

What the corporate tax rate is set at doesn’t matter when the reality is that it’s below zero.

The party affiliation or caucus membership or positions “supported”, or the re-election or defeat of your favorite congressman Does Not Matter when the reality is they’re all paid by the Machine, health care and all, and not one of them actually wants to do anything about changing the system whose tit they’re sucking.

The unholy tit of the Mama Bear.

Anarchy now.

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