(I am indebted to Graham Elwood for [as far as I know] coining the phrase.)
On the NPR, where one recent survey finds that 97% of the listenership self-identifies as Democrat, they have on some spook of the week to talk about this awful awful problem of “domestic extremists” and what to do about it.
In his assiduously mainstream view, the worst part of Them, all of Them, is that what they really want is to “upset the constitutional order”.
This ignores the simple fact that he and his kind have systematically gutted the Fourth amendment (in the name of security of course), don’t have much use for the Second, and are currently engaged in redefining the First out of meaningful existence too.
His game is Hey, Nice Democracy you have there; it would be a shame if anything happened to it. Except that’s a hollow threat now, and won’t scare anyone with half a brain, because you’ve already made sure that something bad already happened to it, and the path you’re on is aimed at breaking its knuckles one by one going forward until all the dissent is tortured out of the people, including anyone who actually believes in that Constitution you use like a sketch comic uses props for a laugh.
At best, sir, you are a useful idiot for the political project of the Devil himself.
The same is true for your concern-troll NPR interviewer.
I’m willing to bet that Joe Biden did win the popular vote by seven million or so votes, and that those dirty insurrectionists at the Capitol were in fact what they appeared to be, which was a gang of deluded, manipulated, and roused trumpist rabble.
I’m also willing to bet that these nominally true facts will be leveraged heavily in the neo-liberal purge of dissenting voices to come, the de facto censorship that has already begun.
Meanwhile, Biden’s day one did not include stimulus, not even his diluted bipartisan bullshit kind. It did not include taking the Honduran kids out of their cages.
It did, however, include fresh aggressive moves into Syria.
Also, a major initiative in the green arena–we’re going to rebuild dozens of military bases around the world to be … greener.
This last one really gets to me, in that it shows that the new guys really lack all fundamental understanding of what the world’s real problems are, much less how to solve them, much less why the people are rebelling.
The Empire is going solar!
Joe. Joe. No.