The Doel Problem

#ForceTheVote failed, by any realistic standard.

But it wasn’t a waste of time by any means. It’s been useful, for one thing, in demonstrating who is for real, who stands in the whimpery lukewarm middle, and who is simply a faux ‘progressive’, meaning a standard-issue corporate Dem who wants to look a little cooler than Chuck Schumer or Amy Klobuchar, but isn’t.

Briahna Joy Gray collared Sam Seder for a long debate-ish interview about #FTV, and proceeded to kick her guest’s ass straight into obviously-fake territory. So that’s been fun.

The Young Turks came out of it looking terrible, and generally speaking I’ve given up on watching them. The same for David Pakman, and for the nice batshit trans lady with the speech impediment.

On the bright side there’s been Dore himself of course, and a slew of mostly new, mostly young firebrands like Jackson Hinkle, Franc Analysis, and the Convo Couch, who recently made much the same point recently by putting up a video entitled: Today’s “Left” Would Have Jailed Civil Rights Activists.

And Kyle Kulinski the Reformer, mostly. And Jordan Chariton, a little less, but he gets something of a pass for his ongoing work on the water and the criminals in Flint, and for asking the #FTV question to Nina Turner, who happily answered it the right way, which is to say the way AOC didn’t.

In terms of good guys turning out to be on the wrong side, the main casualty has been David Doel. He first reviewed #FTV negatively, considering Dore’s rhetoric to be too harsh (a common, and irrelevant complaint among shitlibs).

But even worse, he came out today with a fear piece about those tricky boogaloos and their treacherous ways, slamming Dore by name and suggesting he’d just gone too far this time by interviewing Magnus.

While it must be granted that there’s a small percentage chance that Mr. Panvidya will turn out to be a closet white supremacist playing three-dimensional chess … he’s … not.

For evidence on how bad all boogs are, Doel uses the same rickety and grungy sources that Don Lemon did in the MSM the other day, plus some even worse ones, like Bellingcat (I won’t go into their reputation here, but suffice it to say that they’re widely suspected of being a psy-ops outlet because of the unfailingly neoliberal slant of their stuff). If you dig down a little deeper into the accusations against the boogs, it amounts to stuff like: 31 people with “ties to the organization” have been arrested for all kinds of stuff.

These “ties” exist, but they’re laughably thin. In the only case I know of with any precision, one of the 31 was searched and had a boog patch in his backpack. Which proves nothing about all boogs, and nothing about whether Magnus is cool or a conniving liar. It’s pure guilt by association, promulgated by Johnny Law for reasons of his own, and David Doel is swallowing whole.

It’s disappointing.

Why is DDoel shifting to the mainstream? It could be that he has ambitions for a more stable gig, now that he’s become a parent for the first time over the holidays. But I think it might simply be because he’s culturally Canadian.

He puts too much emphasis on being nice, and he is too willing to make excuses for Democrats and other conservatives.

In the piece pictured above, also quite recent, he mildly rebukes these people for not doing enough with the minimum wage issue, suggesting yet again that the Dems are inept, bad at strategy, just bad at the game.

I believe that’s horseshit.

People like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi do what they do because they don’t WANT to rule over a country of securely empowered citizens, in large part because the donor class doesn’t want that either.

Over and over again they make it plain. Things as small as pulling back on the $2000 checks, things as large as blocking public health care for all at every turn. They’re not incompetent. They’re evil.

If you think I’m overstating the case, have a look at this piece:

Kids Still In Cages At Border Despite Joe Biden’s “Day One Promise”

To be clear, our new Savior didn’t promise to fling the doors of the child prisons open on the first day, like a real Messiah.

He promised to sign an executive order, forming a commission, to look into the plight of the innocent, orphaned prison kids.

He broke even that lame promise.

For shame, Uncle Joe.

But I can’t say I expected more of you.

David Doel is a nice guy, and he wants real bad to think other people are nice too, especially economically comfortable socially liberal white norteamericano people with health care, like himself.

That desire blinds him to the truth, and turns him into one of the tedious scolds wagging their fingers at James Dore: Be Nice!

Unfortunately his generosity of spirit does not extend very far down the socio-economic ladder. So poor people like Magnus don’t get the benefit of the doubt, especially not if they wear camo, and definitely not, if they have the temerity to keep and bear arms.

Those people are preconceived to be evil, and he’ll be happy to dig up a few tales that seem to back up his preconceptions.

If only Magnus were black, or trans, or female, or something cool and automatically believable like that.

Oh well.

Mr. Doel grew up in a nearly sane culture, and he’s expressed many times how he pities Americans for not having the same luxury, usually over the health care issue in specific.

But despite his pity, which of course is Nice, growing up that way made him a little soft, too.

I think it’s very nearly impossible for him to empathize with the way Magnus Panvidya, or any of us, has to twist and fight and kick to survive, and not go mad, in this southern shithole empire, while being told the whole way that it’s the greatest country on earth ever, you ungrateful unpatriotic vermin.

I disagree with Magnus on M4A, and I’m mildly suspicious about his devotion to the Second Amendment.

But I can empathize, and I could even identify with (if I wanted to) taking to the streets armed, in defense of anti-fascist and anti-racist and working class ideals.

I could do those things and be a bad person, no doubt.

But David Doel is not willing to admit into his theory that I might do and feel all those things and yet be a fundamentally good person anyway.

Maybe he’s even unable, to conceive it.

I thought he had a more open and nuanced imagination.

I was wrong.

Vaya con Dios, David.

One thought on “The Doel Problem

  1. For a MUCH more considered and thoughtful critique of Dore generally and the Magnus interview in particular, see today’s Humanist Report:

    I still think he’s wrong to assert that listening to a Boog means “aligning with fascists”, and wrong to prescribe more shitting on Republicans and conservatives (because anybody with eyes already knows that Trump, McConnell, Graham are just as evil and frequently worse than the Dems).

    But this is a mind I can respectfully disagree with. I’ve lost my respect, for David’s mind, to the point where I almost just wrote that he’s simply not that bright in the end.

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