
Basically all day long I cooked. It took much longer than it should’ve, but that was partly because I was also documenting as I went. You can see the results via the rEvolvingCrocker link to the right in the sidebar.

The link name is antiquated since most of it’s getting done with these newfangled pressure cooker gadgets instead of the old crockpot.

The individual recipes are nearing perfection or at least good-enough-for-me. There’s still the work of integrating the recipe processes into a whole workable diet that can be mostly prepped a week at a time, in a few hours total.

The grand architecture was stymied by learning that it’s not wise to concoct Bone Broth out of any old scraps of bony offal. It seems that while the broth is really good at dosing you with all those good trace minerals, it can also fuck you up with bad ones, like lead, if those contaminants are present in the grass or water or feed eaten by the critter originally.

Theoretically safe organic chickens are sometimes available, but my preferred turkeys are not, even in Prettytown most of the year, as far as I know so far. Meantime, I’m eating the random Butterball breasts, but using them fully and turning them into broth doesn’t seem too smart now.

Brightside, I am really liking my own homemade unadorned hummus, and the practice of scooping up most of it with veggies instead of crackers. This component is virtuous with all the pleasure of a vice, and that is a rare and precious thing.

The threatened snow has not appeared down here in the high desert, but there are two doses of it still forecast for parts of tomorrow and Monday.

The pick for political listen of the day is Kyle:

Biden WEAKENS Healthcare Plan For Insurance Lobbyists

He manages to tell the specific tale but paint a fair picture of what is broadly wrong with modern incestuous America, from government to corporations to the media, in the process.
