
The mood in the progressosphere is sober, and in some parts, the ones I’m walking, sour.

John Nichols tells the Hill: Biden lost Florida, but the same state passed a $15 minimum wage. The moral is that the policy wins, and the candidate that soft-pedals the policy loses. That’s the whole story in outline.

JD expands on that, by quoting from, no less, a Fox News poll.

The poll says:

    72 percent of Americans favor a government-run health care system.

    78 percent believe that racism is a big problem in this society.

    72 percent favor a pathway to citizenship for “illegals”.

    72 percent are concerned about climate change and favor increased government spending on green tech.

There’s more, but the bottom line is that the seriously retrograde fucktards really only make up 28 percent of the People, not half.

Three-quarters of us had no one to vote for in terms of what we really want the society to look like.

To be seriously enthused by the results today, you have to be a deeply committed lesser-evilist.

For the rest of us, in this state at least, there’s now a legalized option for treating our mood.

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