
Bolivia Elects Socialist Govt 1 yr After Rightwing Coup

(David Doel is consistently killing it of late.)

My provisional hero Evo Morales was chopped out of power in Bolivia by a coup a while back. The authoritarians were put back in power briefly by the evil fools of the military-industrial complex, most notably liberal hero Elon Musk, who didn’t like the fact that Morales was pushing to nationalize the lithium supply–Bolivia has like half the world’s resources of it.

The mainstream American press told you nothing except that Morales was bad, and his being chased out of his own country was a good thing because it was a quick win for the Empire.

But the Bolivian people still have something resembling a democracy, and returned the leftists in the party of Morales to power by an overwhelming margin.

If only we could hope for anything so positively dramatic up here. ‘But if you choose to stay, you wind up playing anyway’.

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