
Rough notes barely qualifying as a daily spill oh well, it was road and road makes demands on write.

We left Prettytown not very early but with all the good coffee and turkey breakfast burritos. Stopped at the compound to make sure of the catwater and pick up a few clothes. Bombed over the first third of the drive proper, which is the part that is flyover. Stopped solid at the goat. Milk. Store.

At the goat milk store, the lady we thought we knew tried to sell us on not only soaps and moisturizers, but also on a political project, to stop the making of The River from having Wild and Scenic status.

Oh God let me be polite.

I was polite.

She referred to the people behind Wild and Scenic status twice as “greenies”. Mostly I was offended that she couldn’t look at me in one glance and see I was a greenie. When I was young, you looked at me and knew exactly where I stood. You figured me for a flagburning atheist. You figured I smoked the mary jane.

Apparently I have lost this quality. I look old. I look like a potential republican ally even maybe.

I really need to begin wearing a wig. An angora sweater or something. I really need a face tattoo. Some piercings. To make it clear where I stand. If I had a bone through my nose, the old ladies of goat milk would steer clear of talking multiple-use land policy smack with my ass.

Just a theory.

Also, I introduced the better her to the Catwalk, which is almost a tourist destination.

For greenies.

In the evening in the greenie-town we ate our arugala socially distanced.

It was really good.

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