88 Percent

In the latest poll Biden is fading in the important places. In fact in my swing state his opponent is now up by three. In Florida and many other of these places, it’s a tie. The Democrat is now behind where Hillary was at the same point in time, and Hillary was supposed to be a lock.

David Doel is of the opinion that Biden needs to adjust, assuming he actually cares about winning. I concur. Adjust how?

Sixty-nine percent of Americans now want Medicare for All. 88 percent of Democrats. Joe says he’d veto, and I say WTF Joe. Doel points out that this one issue could bring in some fraction of the forty-something percent of all eligible voters who don’t even exercise their franchise at all.

But he’s deep in the pocket of big insurance, and that’s more important to him than what We The People, or even We The Voters want.

Of course, if we’re all headed toward burning and drowning anyway, it’s hard to see how any of it matters. I could almost call myself a single-issue voter on this score, and Greta Thunberg isn’t on the ballot; not even Jay Inslee.

Color me blue girl.

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