
Late of a Sunday night I finally get to clearing off the few pictures on a phone. So for purposes of catching up the weekend, here are three good ones.

This is datestamped Friday and the picture was taken then too. I picked up a rental that turned out to be a crazy upgrade, an orange Jeep with 3000 miles on it, and stopped at the far side of the Vaaiirde Valley in the Black Hills, cousin to Mingus, as I often will.

The rest of the trip is almost not worth discussing–the purpose for it turned out to be a non-starter. However, once again I noted the phenom of GrinningGuy billboards all down through the megalopolis, and even one that proves this is a meme now. One billboard had a lawyer that wasn’t grinning, and it said that he was the kind that wouldn’t smile, until you the client got the money you deserve. Lifecycle of a trope, fully matured.

The orange beast proved to be a really fun thing to drive.