
Steadily I worked through the afternoon, first to get the stove up and running, which happened Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. That plus big jugs of imported water made hot water possible, in small doses suitable for a bucket of soapy water, or a sinkful of same. Rinsing was and is still awkward. But not impossible. That broke the logjam.

With some kitchen spots clean I could unpack mugs, french presses. I could grind beans. Onto the wiped countertops went the toaster oven, the soda stream, the cutting boards. The kitchen table was cleared of boxes. Room opened up rapidly and became productive space, and this process accelerated over the next days.

Finally it could be lived in somewhat. There still must needs be a bath room, and that needs a fix to the main water pipe, but …

It’s so very much better anyway.

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